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Exciting 'Internet of Things'
Undergraduate Research Opportunity

NSF REU Site in Sensing and Smart Systems

The Institute for Sensing and Embedded Network Systems Engineering hosts an intensive summer research program in sensing and smart systems for talented undergraduates from across the country.

Projects will focus on: Infrastructure Systems, Marine and Environment, and Health and Behavior

This nine-week program emphasizes training, mentoring and research, preparing students for graduate studies or careers in science, technology, engineering or math disciplines.

hurricane background with embedded hurricane equipment image

Florida Atlantic students design, install weather stations that track storms.

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I-SENSE Lecture Series Speakers


For information on an event, select an entry's title above or contact Michelle Morgan.

Job Opportunities

Please check back with us for exciting new opportunities!

Infrastructure Systems:
The Internet of Everything can help to ensure the efficiency and security of our infrastructure systems.
I-SENSE@FAU - smarter cities and roads.
Marine and Environment:
The Internet of Everything can help to protect the health of our oceans and other ecosystems.
I-SENSE@FAU - healthier air, land and water.
Health and Behavior:
The Internet of Everything can help to support our health and wellness, particularly as we age.
I-SENSE@FAU - prolonged health, wellness and independence.
Additional Information
The Institute for Sensing and Embedded Network Systems Engineering (I-SENSE) was established in early 2015 to coordinate university-wide activities in the Sensing and Smart Systems pillar of FAU’s Strategic Plan for the Race to Excellence.
Florida Atlantic University
777 Glades Road
Boca Raton, FL 33431